Overcoming Projector Entrepreneurial Overwhelm by Batching Content & Tasks


As a Projector entrepreneur, we are always juggling the needs of our business, families, selves, and others. Finding time to write that blog post, update your website, and create and schedule your social media accounts can sometimes feel like the stuff you have to fit in around the "real work" you're doing. 

If you're seeing clients scheduled throughout the week sporadically because you have your schedule wide open Monday through Friday (or more), you're giving away your power and creating energy leaks. 

Consider how frustrating it is to be deep in your writing of a blog post and then have to shift gears to head into a client appointment. Not only do you not get to finish that post with the same momentum and enthusiasm, but now your head isn't quite in the game to dive right into your appointment either. 

You need time to recalibrate. 

The mental tracking. Am I right? That shit will wear you out faster than a two-year-old on a sugar rush. Block your schedule and create the time and space for specific tasks and see if you don't find more energy and more time to get your tasks done more efficiently. 

Batching content and tasks allows your mind to focus on one thing at a time. Can you imagine having only one tab open on your web browser instead of the 743 that are right open right now? Yeah, that's the kind of focus I'm talking about. 

If you are a Projector with an undefined root center, you may really feel an amplification to get all the things done to be free of the pressure, but the truth is, there will always be more tasks to do, and we are never completely free from pressure. We must learn to set boundaries around our time and energy to protect our health because overwhelm for Projectors can lead to tiredness which can lead to bitterness - the conditioned (Not Self) emotional theme of the Projector.

How To:

Batching content is all about grouping tasks. 

  • What things use similar mental or physical capacity?

  • Do you have to be in multiple places/spaces throughout the day? Group your tasks accordingly.

  • Do you do better with creativity in the afternoon?

  • What time of day are you best at problem-solving? Holding space for others? Teaching?

Knowing how you best operate is crucial to setting up a system that works for you. Below are some ideas for grouping/batching content. Feel free to use what works for you and edit or leave the rest.

  • Content creation - blog posts, podcasts, opt-ins, downloadables, classes, newsletter emails.

  • Social media content creation - I recommend using an app like Canva to make this as streamlined and simple as possible.

    • Create templates for your social media and have 3-5 templates for each platform you use as your base. This will take the extra time out of always searching for the perfect template and create a much more consistent brand appearance.

  • Posting to social media - Automate and streamline as much as possible. I highly recommend using a social media scheduler like Tailwind, Later, Hootsuite, PlanOly, etc., for Pinterest and Instagram to save you time and headache of remembering what and when you wanted to post.

  • Appointments - Group these too! Just because you're available to work M-F 8-6 doesn't mean you should let your clients dictate your schedule. This is YOUR BUSINESS, and YOU GET TO CHOOSE what you will do and when.

    • That being said, Projectors have a limitation on how much 1:1 capacity they can do without depleting themselves daily, so if you're doing consultations, coaching, or similar, find the amount per day that feels good for you. 1:1 consult time could be one hour or more in a day, but typically I see around a 2-3 hour max if scheduling daily appointments with a maximum of 3-5 days a week.

    • Others find that a couple of longer days of only working every other week works best for them, energy-wise.

    • If you have to schedule more than that to make ends meet, then ask yourself...are you charging what you're worth?

    • If you are and still need to work more hours, then find time for self-care, i.e., naps, meditation, and regular downtime wherever you can to help offset it.

    • Appointment time could be daily from the hours of 8-12, with afternoons available for content creation, or vice-versa.

    • Whatever time you know you do best with the creative process should factor into your tasks. Also, whatever time of day you do best with client appointments is when you should block out your schedule for appointments. If they are the same, then you may have pick days for specific tasks.

    • You could see clients three days a week and use two days a week for content creation, research, learning, etc. There are so many ways to do this, but pick something, stick to it for a few weeks and see how it feels. You'll know what's working what's not and can recalibrate.

  • Make sure to batch your personal tasks, too, if you can. Blocking out time for family or errands and switching off your work brain for a while is important to being present. It also allows you to go back to your work later with a fresh brain for work.

Whatever the tasks are, if you can group them together and work on them at set times, you can limit the amount of mental energy wasted on tracking what you "should be doing" with your time. 

If you try batching your content and/or tasks, let me know how it's working for you and what the biggest thing you've noticed is since implementing it into your business. Are you a Projector entrepreneur? What have you done to take back your schedule and limit the overwhelm?

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Aypril Porter

Aypril Porter is a Human Design Life Coach and Author who helps clients reconnect with their authentic selves through understanding their unique design.


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